In order to limit the spread of COVID-19, starting from 12 May, train passengers must use a mouth and nose cover during the whole travel. At the same time, there is still a call not to crowd when boarding and getting off the train.
In order to reduce human contact, passengers are encouraged to opt for a remote purchase of train tickets on the website or mobile app of Pasažieru vilciens, thus saving 5% or 10% of the ticket price. Otherwise, when buying tickets on board the train from ticket inspectors, passengers are encouraged to make wireless payments.
According to the order of the minister of transport No. 01-03/112 of 08.05.2020 “On Precautionary Measures in Public Transport” adopted in accordance with the Ministers’ Cabinet Regulation No. 103 of 12 March 2020 “Regarding Declaration of the Emergency Situation”, passengers are required to:
- think through the need for a travel before it is undertaken and use trains only in cases of essential necessity (to get to the place of work or get back from it, to visit a shop, pharmacy etc.);
- wherever possible, opt for a travel when there are fewer passengers in the train, i.e. in the middle of the day. In the same manner, the passengers from the risk group should think through the possibility to use public transport in case of extreme necessity, avoiding travelling during on-peak hours.
- avoid short-distance travels, choosing other travel options instead;
- buy train tickets before the travel, using remote ticket purchase options wherever possible;
- while on-board the train, use a mouth and nose cover during the whole travel (a respirator, mask, scarf, neckerchief, etc.);
- when boarding the train, occupy first the allowed seats (which are not marked), and, while boarding, getting off or standing inside the car, keep 2 m distance (the restriction does not apply to members of the same household and passengers with children);
- when necessary, inform other passengers on the precautionary measures taken or competent authorities on any failure to meet these requirements. If in doubt, seek the assistance of a ticket inspector.