In order to limit the spread of the COVID-19 infection,
as from 10 June, train passengers still must use a mouth and nose cover if it is impossible to keep 2 m distance away from other passengers. At the same time, there is still a call not to crowd when boarding and getting off the train.
In order to reduce human contact, passengers are encouraged to opt for a remote purchase of train tickets on the website or mobile app of Pasažieru vilciens, thus saving 5% or 10% of the ticket price. In other cases, when buying tickets on board the train from ticket inspectors, passengers are encouraged to make wireless payments.
According to the Cabinet Regulation No. 360 of 09.06.2020 “Epidemiological safety measures aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19 infection”,
the passengers should:
- observe personal hygiene by regularly washing or disinfecting hands after visiting public places;
- monitor their health and stay at home in case there are symptoms of the disease;
- keep 2 m physical distance between each other in those places where it is possible;
- use a mouth and nose cover on board the train.