From 1 July until 6 December 2020, certain conditions restricting the spread of COVID-19 have been reduced, including
- it is not necessary to use a mouth and nose mask on the train.
It is recommended for use - especially if there are a lot of people on the train, as well as for people with signs of respiratory disease (runny nose, cough). For people who have come from abroad with a high incidence of COVID-19, it is mandatory to use a mouth and nose mask when going to a place of self-isolation using public transport.
At the same time, there is still a call not to crowd when boarding and getting off the train.
In order to reduce human contact, passengers are encouraged to opt for a remote purchase of train tickets on the website or mobile app of Pasažieru vilciens, thus saving 5% or 10% of the ticket price. In other cases, when buying tickets on board the train from ticket inspectors, passengers are encouraged to make wireless payments.
Passengers should:
- observe personal hygiene by regularly washing or disinfecting hands after visiting public places;
- monitor their health and stay at home in case there are symptoms of the disease;
- keep 2 m physical distance between each other in those places where it is possible.