Observing the CM Regulations No.360 “Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection” of 09.06.2020, CM Regulations No.599 “Procedures for Provision and Use of Public Transport Services” of 28.08.2012 and CM Order No.719 “Amendments to the CM Order No.655 “On Announcement of the Emergency Situation” of 06.11.2020" of 02.12.2020, in order to restrict the spread of COVID-19 virus, starting from 7 December,
passengers are required to:
- use mouth and nose covers on the train throughout the trip (medical, non-medical (hygienic or fabric) face masks or face shields), except children up to 7 years of age and persons with obvious movement disorders or mental health disorders, due to which a person lacks abilities or skills to use a mouth and nose cover;
- in the train salon, occupy only the seats allowed by the carrier – seats that are not marked, then – standing places. When boarding, getting off the train or choosing a seat, observe a 2 m distance. If necessary, ticket inspectors will help passengers to find a vacant seat or standing place on the train;
- before the trip, reconsider its necessity and use a train only in significant cases (for travelling to and from the workplace and visiting a store, pharmacy etc.);
- avoid short-distance trips, choosing other means of transport instead;
- if possible, travel at the time, when there are less passengers on the train or in the middle of the day; in addition, tickets can be purchased at a 20% discount for several journeys scheduled at this time of the day. Also, the passengers who represent the high risk group should consider using the public transport only in case of extreme necessity, travelling outside the peak hours;
- choose remote purchase of train tickets on “Pasažieru vilciens” mobile app or website, saving 5 or 10% of the ticket price, whereas, when buying a ticket on the train from the ticket inspector, passengers are encouraged to make non-cash payments. The ticket inspector will not serve a passenger who does not wear a mouth and nose cover;
- observe personal hygiene by regularly washing or disinfecting hands after visiting public places;
- observe requirements of regulatory enactments on epidemiological restrictions. The ticket inspector is entitled to disembark a passenger from the train, if the passenger does not observe the requirements of epidemiological restrictions stipulated in regulatory enactments, asking the passenger to disembark from the train voluntarily at the next stop;
- if necessary, inform other passengers about the introduced precautionary measures or the responsible state authorities about non-compliance with these requirements.
We call our passengers to be cautious and responsible, and observe all the rules in order to maintain good health for themselves and surrounding people!