
Precautionary measures on the train from 7 December

Observing the CM Regulations No.360 “Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection” of 09.06.2020, CM Regulations No.599 “Procedures for Provision and Use of Public Transport Services” of 28.08.2012 and CM Order No.719 “Amendments to the CM Order No.655 “On Announcement of the Emergency Situation” of 06.11.2020" of 02.12.2020, in order to restrict the spread of COVID-19 virus, starting from 7 December, passengers are required to:

Current rules for passengers on board the train

From 1 July until 6 December 2020, certain conditions restricting the spread of COVID-19 have been reduced, including

Use a mouth and nose cover when travelling by train

In order to limit the spread of the COVID-19 infection,

Starting from 16 of May running of trains is restored on the route Riga-Valga-Riga

Starting from Saturday, 16 May, running of trains is restored on the route “Riga-Valga-Riga” which, since 17 March 2020, had been serviced by trains running only up to Lugaži station. 

Boarding the train is allowed only with a mouth and nose cover

In order to limit the spread of COVID-19, starting from 12 May, train passengers must use a mouth and nose cover during the whole travel. At the same time, there is still a call not to crowd when boarding and getting off the train.

Out of 22 diesel trains, only 19 are currently available for transportation of passengers

Following a traffic accident resulted in damaging one of JSC “Pasažieru vilciens” diesel trains, only 19 diesel trains are currently available for transportation of passengers and there are no reserve trains available in peak hours.

Starting from March 17, the Valga trains will run from/to Lugazi

In compliance with Amendments of 14.03.2020 to the Cabinet of Ministers Order No 103 "On Announcing Emergency Situation" on the abolition of international carriage of passengers by rail,

Keep a distance! Don't crowd! Pay attention to safety!

In relation to the declared national emergency, for the sake of public safety and health we also ask every passenger to give great consideration to the need to use public transport, respect the request to stay at home and not to visit public places.

Preventive measures in "Pasažieru vilciens" to limit the spread of coronavirus

Every day, we make sure the train journeys of our passengers are fast, safe and enjoyable. At the time when a state of emergency has been declared due to the new coronavirus, we are providing more than ever cleanliness to ensure the safety and health of our employees and customers. We keep up-to-date with all the latest information and take all precautionary measures in both staff rooms and on the trains of „Pasažieru vilciens”.

Customer Service Centre in Riga Central Station is closed

Due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus, the JSC "Pasažieru vilciens" Customer Service Center in the Riga railway station has been closed from March 14 to April 14 in the interest of public safety and health.