
Additional train departures to Aglona arranged during the pastoral visit of Pope Francis
Today (September 11th) we have started presale of tickets for train departures from Riga to Aglona and back on 24 September. There are three special trains set up on this date during the first part of the day allowing everyone to arrive at the venue before the Holy Mass celebrated by His Holiness Pope Francis beginning at 16:30.

Merry Christmas and many more pleasant trips in the New Year!
Not only at Christmas, but also all the next year, we will go with you to your loved ones to home, work, theater, garden, sea and other places to enjoy more pleasure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your Pasažieru vilciens

Tour by train
There is no reason why not to make your regular autumn tour slightly different by heading up to your destination by train – the most environment-friendly means of transportation.

Fly to Gulbene by train!
Riga (8:08) - Gulbene (11:33)

Next stop: Botanical garden!
Botanical Garden is located a few steps away from the Salaspils Railway Station!

Buy ticket that will always remain perfect!
Never fear rain or snow!
Buy ticket that will always remain perfect despite of weather and always will be in your e-mail :)

47 trains on weekdays have 25% discount!
Tickets with 25% discount You can buy at our ticket office, on train and also at our website.

City with one of the most beautiful landscapes in Latvia, it’s called “Latvian Switzerland”. Sigulda is popular among Riga’s citizens as well as among tourists. It is located 53 km from Riga. In summer, when the weather is good, in Sigulda gather those, who enjoy extreme and active leisure. But in autumn there are no such people, who wouldn’t visit the autumn park around Turaides castle. In winter city turns to main Latvian ski resort – here are located fully equipped skiing, slalom and sledge tracks.

Jurmala - the biggest resort city in the Baltic States!
Jurmala is the city by the Gulf of Riga stretching along 26 km of coastline with modern relaxation and resort facilities. It has become the largest resort area in the Baltics as well as a popular location for international conferences and meetings.